Sunday, June 6, 2010

Cavz R Kul

Well, I had my first real experience spelunking last week (I have waited YEARS to use that word in a sentence), and I have to say it was pretty awesome! I decided I like caves.... in a way. I think they are one of those places where it's impossible to feel completely at ease. I mean, after a long day of work, I don't think anyone would pack along their favorite book and settle down in a cave for a good read. As much as I don't want to admit it to myself, I think there's a part of me that is slightly afraid of them. In the back of my mind, I will probably always worry that the ceiling is going to collapse, or I'll get eaten by a bear, or I'll come across a group of rabid vampire bats. Despite that, there is something I just really like about them... 
There is something.... I don't know... different about being in a cave. It's like stepping back in time or something. They are beautiful, but it takes patience to appreciate them. You never get to see them all at once. I think darkness is thicker in caves; you could probably stand in one for hours and your eyes would never adjust. I guess you eventually piece together what it looks like after shooting a flashlight around for a while. 
Anyways, I think caves get a bit of a bad rap. Just think of all the things we would miss out on if it wasn't for them... 
Prehistoric paintings.... Awesome day trips... Cheese...
Caves are pretty great.

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